Wednesday, 18 February 2015

40 days.

When I was younger, Lent always meant that I’d have to consciously ignore my sweet tooth for the next 40 days and temporarily say goodbye to chocolate, ice cream, cake, and all other forms of sugary happiness. Nowadays, as an adult, I find myself looking at Lent a bit differently.  Apart from the 40 day ‘sacrifice’ that is meant to strengthen and test my will in an attempt to understand, even a little bit, the ultimate sacrifice that I believe in, I also try to look at the next 40 days as a way to strengthen my core, my faith and the center of who I really am.

For me, Lent is a humbling reminder to stay true. True to myself and true to the values that I cherish the most. My faith has always been a very personal and important part of my life. There were times that it wavered. There were times that I doubted. There were times that I questioned. Sometimes, I still do. And I think that’s ok.  It’s hard to see The Plan amidst feelings of sadness, anger and confusion. But my faith and the journey that it’s taken me on has always been a crucial part to my story. Regardless of the shadows and my fears, I choose to believe and to hold on to hope.  

The world is constantly changing and it is easy to lose yourself in the chaos and the demands of it all. I hope that the next 40 days bring me peace, guidance and wisdom. I hope to remember to stop and pause and appreciate the good and the blessings that have come my way. I hope to impart the gratitude that I have to my children and to continue to educate them on our faith in a way that nourishes their minds and hearts, rather than confines them. I pray that this Lenten season helps me to continue to focus on the positives in life and to nurture the relationships that truly matter – both physically and spiritually.

Wishing you all a little peace this week.



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