Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Well, Why Not?

I have always thought about starting a blog. I have always had a love affair with writing and I find it to be the best outlet for me to express my normally guarded and introverted self. It also helps me to de-stress, organize my thoughts and to give my poor husbands ears a break from my constant over-thinking and over-analyzing. But then my thoughts get carried away- “what would I write about?”, “what would people think?”, “would people even read it?” “why do I really want to do this?” (there’s a nice little example of the over-thinking that I was talking about). But then I see so many beautiful women sharing their amazing stories- whether it’s giving us a glimpse into their lives or simply providing helpful tips to make the chaos of day-to-day a bit more manageable, other people are doing it and doing it well. So I thought, “well, why not me?”

As a mother of 2, I am constantly in awe of my children’s confidence- their ability to just do whatever it is they want to do- no fears, no apprehensions, just living in the absolute perfection of the moment, no matter what the outcome. As parents, we teach them to be cautious, to be wary of hurting themselves and we try to protect them from the possible dangers and the realities of the world. And while I’m definitely all about informing and protecting my kids, I sometimes catch myself trying to ensure that my internal fears, paranoia (I fully admit to being overly paranoid at times) and apprehensions aren’t being negatively absorbed in their little minds. While I want them to make smart choices, I don’t want their fears to paralyze them while they’re finding their way through life and forming their own unique personalities. I want them to always retain the confidence that they currently possess and that I secretly envy. I don’t want them to grow up talking themselves out of trying new things, but rather ask them selves, “well, why not?” 

So I figure, why not lead by example. Why not show them that even if they’re the only ones who think their ideas are great, they should still just go for it and give it a try.

As I start a new year and embark on new adventures both personally and professionally, I hope to constantly remember to ask myself, “why not?” and I sincerely hope that you’ll enjoy sharing this new journey, outlook and adventure with me.



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