Friday, 16 January 2015

Let Them Eat Cake

I love dessert. Like, LOVE dessert. And there’s no particular kind either. My friends and family will tell you that I have no shame in indulging in pretty much any dessert option that is put in front of me. I have no self-control when it comes to my sweet tooth and I’m perfectly ok with that.

After having my daughter, my love of cakes and party planning really sprang to life. I mean, what better creative outlet than a little girl’s *first* birthday party? From the pink décor to the individual handmade tutus that each lucky little guest received, I was in my element. And while I often (just ask my husband) get immersed and carried away with the theme, colour scheme, party favours and organization of it all (future blog post to follow), one of the big highlights of party planning for me is always, the cake.

Before my husband and I got married, we had a tradition that on his birthday, I would make and decorate birthday cupcakes for him. That tradition continued even after we tied the knot and once our daughter came along, I figured what better way to expand on this tradition than to make her birthday cake every year. As a relative newbie to the cake-making scene, I enlisted a lot of help from one of my talented cousins and together we created this beauty…

Beauty and the Beast will forever be my favourite Disney movie and I have no shame in admitting that I heavily influenced my daughter into loving it just as much as I did
The cake was perfect (in my eyes anyway) and my daughter loved it. Thus began the tradition of me making custom, made with love birthday cakes for my kids and my husband for their special day.

The rules: They can pick the design & theme, I will try my best to make it. The more challenging the cake, the more fun it is for me.

I have made so many fun cakes over the past couple of years…

Derek's Birthday Request, 2012: A Well-Endowed Chive Cake
Belles 2nd Birthday Cake - Her Disney obsession was temporarily distracted by the Bubble Guppies.
My awesome cousin also helped me with this fun design.

Derek's Birthday Request, 2013: A rainbow Jell-O Shot Cake.
This has to be the most time consuming and frustrating cake I've made thus far!
P.S. How handsome is my hubby!
Belles 3rd Birthday Party Request:"Pink with Kitty Cats"

My very first *smash* cake for Keaton's 1st Birthday

Keaton's *Pirate Themed* First Birthday Cake

My husband turns 30 this month and his upcoming birthday bash means one very important detail for me- the cake.

He has challenged me with a request for a topsy-turvy style cake with each layer being a different pattern/design. He’s also asked me to add some special elements to his cake in the form of his ‘favourite things’. This will by far be the toughest cake I have ever made, but I’m so looking forward to getting started and seeing this vision come to life. Wish me luck!

I hope that something sweet finds its way to you this week!



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