Monday, 2 March 2015

When They're Sick.

When they’re sick, your world tends to pause. Your priorities shift and the outside commitments that you may have had come to a grinding halt until you’ve been able to regroup, assess the situation and come up with a plan of attack. That helpless feeling that comes when they’re sick is the worst. You wish that their pain, their discomfort, their sickness would just somehow take over your own body instead. You being sick is better than them being sick. You’d do anything to make them feel better. To just feel back to normal.

I had planned to spend my Friday off shopping and planning for Belles upcoming birthday party. I had my to-do list organized, my schedule for the weekend made and the creative ideas flowing.  

Keaton had other plans. 

I thought that my days of changing liquidy, mustard seed-style poops were a thing of the past. Apparently not.

Whatever bug made its way into my poor guys system was a mean one. I changed around 20 diarrhea filled diapers in a span of 2 days, necessarily (and excessively) washed his sheets due to the ridiculous amount of poop and puke that soaked through them, and hosed down bathed my kid more times in one weekend than he probably has in a week. His poor little bum never got the chance to soak in the extreme amount of Zincofax or Baby Powder that I’d coat it with before the next explosion (literally) would happen and I spent the nights being anxious, half-awake and on guard for more middle-of-the-night-puking sessions. The laundry that accumulated from these puke and poopcapades took precedent over the piles of laundry that I had already planned to do, and my house had a lingering sour poop smell that had me constantly opening windows and lighting candles.

Ya, the weekend was an exciting one.

And yet, through it all, we still managed to fill our weekend with friends, play dates, family, laughter, cuddles, dance parties and fun.

The calm before the chaos. My happy Ice Princess and Ninja Turtle.
I admittedly (and naively) assumed that, regardless of having 3 poops before breakfast, he’d still be fine to come on a shopping adventure. A quick 2 hours and 4-5 poops later, left us cutting our lunch date short and rushing back home since I was out of extra diapers and 2 out of 3 of us were covered in shiss.
Happy Friday!
My helpful little dancer.
She spent the weekend cautiously pulling back her little brother’s diaper and checking for poop whenever I was busy changing the laundry.
Hoping that some ballerina watching would help make the tummy feel better.
Yes, I'm aware that we both have tired eyes.

“I swear Mom, I’m better. Just give me a damn donut.”
It’s definitely never easy when they’re sick. And while my house usually goes into  ‘shut-down’ mode until all the bugs have vacated the building, the resilience and vivacity of my little dude definitely made this weekend more fun than it could’ve been. Poop and all.

I hope you all had a wonderful and explosive-poop-less weekend!


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