Sunday, 15 March 2015

Oh, the Places You'll Go

One of the greatest gifts that I've ever received from a past employer was the book, Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss. I had actually never read the book, so I when they gave it to me, I just laughed, said "thank-you" and set it aside- knowing that one day I would probably just give it to my kids to read.

And then one day, years later, my daughter pulled the unopened book out from her bookshelf and asked me to read it. And it left me speechless. Emotional even. And I wondered why I had never bothered to open it until that moment.

The message in the book is so simple and so clear- while the journey through life is full of possibilities, failures and achievements, the goal is to keep on moving forward. Don't wait for things to  happen- go and do. The possibilities are endless, but you have to go and find them.

As a parent, that's all I want for my kids- for them to be fearless. For them to try new things and to be open to new adventures in order to grow and find out who they really are. I want them to learn from their mistakes, savour their achievements and be the best versions of themselves that they can possibly be.

But after reading this book (now multiple times) with both of my kids, I realized that they're not the only ones who need to absorb this message. I realized that my identity has been easily consumed by my role as a Mom and a Wife, and the passion that I want (and need) for my life outside the walls of my family is missing.

I have been blessed with an amazing husband and wonderful children, but being a Wife and Mom isn't it for me. Is it? I have dreams, I have goals and I have an identity apart from being someones wife and someones mom. While I know that I've accomplished a lot in my life, there is still more for me. I don't know why it took me so long to see that.

So, I'm starting a new adventure- one just for me- in order to find my passion again. I want the time that I spend away from my husband and kids to be just as rewarding and exciting for me as it is when I'm with them. Maybe that's too much to hope for. But I realized that I'd rather try than not.

Here's to new adventures!




  1. Beautifully written, Marie! You're just the best! Cheers to new adventures!!! <3

  2. We love that book too:) great message!!

  3. Believe in yourself and you will achieve great things
